Understanding the Availability of Scleral Lenses in Canada
How are Scleral Lenses Available in Canada, and Are There Specific Places to Get Them? Keratoconus, a progressive eye disease, can significantly impact one’s vision.
But there’s hope, especially with the form of the scleral lens. For those in Canada, the question often arises: How are scleral lenses available, and where can one obtain them?
Nationwide Access to Scleral Lenses for Keratoconus in Canada
Scleral lenses for keratoconus are available all across Canada, from the bustling streets of Toronto and Montreal to the serene landscapes of British Columbia.
Qualified keratoconus specialists in these regions and beyond are equipped to provide these transformative lenses.
With their rigorous training and dedication, these professionals ensure that individuals with keratoconus have access to the best vision solutions.
Why Scleral Lenses are the Top Choice for Vision Restoration
The journey of living with keratoconus is unique for everyone. Yet, one common thread is the quest for clear vision. Scleral lenses have emerged as a beacon of hope for many.
Practitioners specializing in keratoconus want to give their clients the best possible outcome when it comes to their vision restoration, so it makes sense that the scleral lens is widely available in Canada.
The Non-Invasive Solution to Vision Loss from Keratoconus
Scleral lenses are the preferred choice of practitioners for non-invasive vision restoration due to vision loss from keratoconus.
Their design allows for a comfortable fit while effectively correcting vision distortions. This makes them an ideal choice for those looking to regain their sight without undergoing invasive procedures.
The Importance of Specialist Consultation for Scleral Lenses
While scleral lenses offer a promising solution, it’s crucial to approach the right professionals for them.
Ensuring the Best Fit with Expertise
Our lenses should be made available to us by our keratoconus specialist. This is because, for optimal vision restoration, our cornea must be mapped and our lenses fitted by an experienced fitter who specializes in fitting lenses for keratoconus.
This tailored approach ensures that each individual gets the best possible outcome for their unique eye shape and condition.
Diverse Brands and Customization: A Boon for Practitioners
In the world of scleral lenses, one size doesn’t fit all. Thankfully, practitioners in Canada have a wealth of options at their disposal.
Access to a Range of Scleral Lenses for Every Need
Not only will practitioners have easy access to the scleral lens in Canada, but a competent practitioner will also have access to different brands of lenses.
This variety is crucial. For instance, if a practitioner encounters a hard-to-fit case, Like mine, they have a plethora of brands and sizes of scleral lenses that can be customized even further for hard-to-fit corneas.
I Live in Canada
As an example, I live in Montreal Canada, and not only are the scleral lenses for keratoconus widely available there is also a Blanchard contact lens manufacturing facility close by.
My Cornea was Hard to Fit

I was diagnosed with keratoconus in 1988 and underwent a full corneal transplant on my right eye in 1995-96. Because of this, I use two different brands of contacts.
For my non-transplant eye, I use the Blanchard scleral lens, and on the cornea with the graph, I use the larger diameter and more customizable Boston Sights scleral contact lens.
Both scleral contact lenses are easily available to my practitioner here in Canada.
Key Takeaways
- Scleral lenses are widely available across Canada through qualified keratoconus specialists.
- They are the preferred non-invasive solution for vision restoration in keratoconus patients.
- Getting scleral lenses from a keratoconus specialist is essential to ensure the best fit and vision restoration outcome.
- Practitioners in Canada have access to various brands and sizes, allowing for further customization for unique cases.
To Summarize
Scleral lenses have revolutionized how we approach vision restoration for those with keratoconus in Canada and worldwide.
Their widespread availability in Canada, combined with the expertise of keratoconus specialists, ensures that individuals have the best chance at clear vision.
With various brands and customization options, practitioners are well-equipped to handle even the most challenging cases.
If you or someone you know is experiencing vision problems, visit a qualified professional immediately.